Monday, November 24, 2014

9 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day

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What you do today matters. In fact, your daily habits may be a major determinant of your wealth.
"The metaphor I like is the avalanche," says Thomas Corley, the author of "Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals." "These habits are like snowflakes — they build up, and then you have an avalanche of success."
Corley spent five years studying the lives of both rich people (defined as having an annual income of $160,000 or more and a liquid net worth of $3.2 million or more) and poor people (defined as having an annual income of $35,000 or less and a liquid net worth of $5,000 or less).
He managed to segment out what he calls "rich habits" and "poverty habits," meaning the tendencies of those who fit in each group. But, Corley explains, everyone has some rich habits and some poverty habits. "The key is to get more than 50% to be rich habits," he says.
And what are those rich habits that are so influential? Here are a few:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

These Two Guys Has Sold £4.5m Worth of Retro Football Strips Around The World

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Classic Football Shirts has sold £4.5m worth of retro football strips around the world, with its best seller being Manchester United’s green and gold 1992 shirt

Doug Brierton (left) and Matt Dale are both 29

Two former students said they have sold more than 750,000 retro football shirts since starting their company.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Perempuan Yang Lebih Kaya Dari Donald Trump Berbagi Tips Suksesnya

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Zhang Xin, perempuan pemilik perusahaan properti SOHO ternyata memiliki jalan berliku dalam mencapai kesuksesannya. Dia tidak dilahirkan dari keluarga kaya. Bahkan, Xin dan ibunya sempat bekerja sebagai buruh di perusahaan permen di Beijing semasa remaja.
Apa yang dia lakukan untuk mengubah nasib? Nilai apa saja yang bisa kita ambil dari perjalanan perempuan yang sudah mengumpulkan kekayaan melebihi Donald Trump dan Oprah Winfrey ini? Yuk, coba kita lihat bersama.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tips Kaya Raya ala Bob Sadino

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Bob Sadino Membuktikan Bahwa Anda Tidak Butuh “Keren” dan “Gengsi” Untuk Bisa Sukses.
Jika selama ini Anda berpikir bahwa bisnis itu harus sesuatu yang kedengaran mentereng, maka pikirkan lagi. Bahkan, se-tidak mentereng apapun kedengarannya “Jualan Telur Ayam Negeri” itu, buktinya, inilah yang berhasil mengantarkan seorang Bob Sadino jadi salah satu pebisnis paling sukses di Indonesia.